This project teaches a form of social justice education based on the mystic wisdom of J.L. and Zerka Moreno. They were creators of sociatry, which means planting seeds for healing society. They are best known as the grandparents of social network theory and the founders of psychodrama, sociodrama and sociometry.
Within their body of work there is an experiential instrument called social microscopy. Social microscopy teaches a group how to find within itself a mirror of our society; how it organizes access, marginalization and power.
This is a lens to see what J.L. Moreno described as a central underlying social structure that is existing in groups, organizations, society and the world, impacting us all. Social microscopy shows this in a group or organization.
This educational training workshop also points to the presence and activity of an existential Intelligence that can be felt that brings insight to the entire group. To experience this Intelligence is to sense the fabric of life into which we are all connected. This educational training is now available.
Edward Schreiber, TEP
Trainer, Educator, Practitioner
Zerka’s influence has been worldwide, and like her husband, she remains a voice on the world stage. Her story captures the human hunger for the end of suffering and for justice in the world. Like a Zen teacher, she taps the soul to awaken it to its power, to create and re-create itself. This book encourages each of us to create full, loving, and meaningful lives.
Embedded in the book are formulas for the emergence of an evolved consciousness. There is a story much greater than that of her life and soul; it is about a relationship to the Great Spirit, heard, felt, and followed. This final work in the J. L. and Zerka T. Moreno legacy is a teaching story for this awakening.
“Awakening the autonomous healing center, the power to heal oneself, is how I see the value of psychodrama and all forms of therapy.”
Zerka T Moreno
I feel painfully reminded that we as a species are still at war with ourselves and one another. We see this in the news with Ukraine and Russia, with a continued great divide in the US, we can see this in families, communities, within our own minds, bodies, within ourselves, within our social atoms and organizations.
I remember well an ASGPP Conference some years ago at a workshop presented by the ASGPP Journal, in which one of the presenters said that the Circle was broken and needed to be healed. There are many ways to address broken circles, yet the one that has most impacted me are the ideas and experiential tools of JL Moreno, who developed pathways to the unbroken circle.
When we find our way to the unbroken circle, we find ourselves in contact with what has been written about by many spiritual seekers and teachers. To experience the unbroken circle is to find ourselves in connection with what Moreno described as a “primordial nature and first universe.” The experience of the primordial nature, the godhead, is a birthright of humanity. It is an experience in which the essential nature, primordial nature, becomes experientially known, even at a glimpse. The broken circle becomes unbroken within us, extending to a group and to society.
Moreno wrote about the two interrelated universes: the first universe of the formless primordial nature, and the second universe of individuated form such as Me, You, Us, Them, That. The experience of the intersection between the first and second universes is discovered deep within the self, and all around us, also between us. To stand in this intersection is what Zerka described as an awakening of the autonomous healing center. It is autonomous from us yet is within us, and it is between us and around us, all at the same time. It is not ours to own.
When Moreno studied groups throughout the world, large and small, formal and informal ones, even with the large groups called cultures, societies, humanity; he found within all of these groupings the presence of a sociometric structure he described as “an actual, dynamic, central structure underling and determining” all groups. He called it the sociodynamic effect.
To more fully understand the nature of the sociodynamic effect is to realize: What has not always been fully seen is now and has been playing a major role in determining the social reality we all face. To see this dynamic structure and to alter this in small groups was their idea. Zerka Moreno said in her training programs that these are seeds that we can learn, use and plant for the evolution and enlightenment of society, groups, organizations and our own lives, rooted in the experience of a Great Mystery. This Great Mystery is experientially realized, the presence of a force of good, an intelligence within us, around us and between us.